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Bitcoin is just the tip of the iceberg. Today there are more than 1,000 other cryptocurrencies, sometimes known as altcoins, bringing their own value to the market.

If you’re looking for detailed reviews of some of the most popular cryptocurrencies, you’ve come to the right place.Altcoins began life as little more than bitcoin copies attempting to mimic bitcoin’s successful run, but they quickly became much more than their name suggests. At the time of writing (February 2018), there are more than 1,500 altcoins available for use. While many are still struggling to break the mold set by bitcoin, some are doing truly amazing things with the technology.

From rethinking the entire concept of what the blockchain could and should be used for (Ethereum) to building a purely anonymous and secure network for peer-to-peer transactions (Monero), more and more altcoins are addressing the shortcomings of bitcoin every day, innovating on its basic driving technology to become market leaders themselves.